Missing teeth can have a serious effect not only on your smile, but also on your oral health. Missing teeth can impact the alignment and integrity of your surrounding teeth resulting in unwanted periodontal disease and decay. If you are suffering from missing teeth, dental implants might be the perfect solution for you.
Dental implants are small titanium fixtures that are placed in the upper or lower jaw where the teeth are missing and provide attachment for a new crown.
The process of placing an implant requires multiple appointments and may take four to eight month to complete from start to finish. This of course varies between each patient depending on the situation and their needs.
Dental Implants
In the first appointment, complete assessment including, X-rays, pictures, and a mold of your teeth are taken. We will also organize a special X-ray called CBCT scan to be taken. The CBCT scan provides us valuable information on the amount and the quality of bone, which determines the size of the implant that is to be placed. You will also be provided some care instructions and antibiotics to be taken prior to the surgery.
In the second appointment the titanium implant fixture is placed in the jaw under local anaesthetic. This process will take approximately one hour. Once the implant is inserted, you will have a healing cap placed on the top of the implant for about four month until the implant has fully healed and fused with the bone. Two weeks after implant insertion, the implant site is reviewed and the sutures are removed. There is often very little discomfort with the implant placement and it is often compared to the feeling of having a dental filling done. After four month the healing cap is removed and a mold will be taken to make your new crown.
Once the new crown is placed on the implant it will function and feel like a real tooth and with proper care will last for years to come.
At Key Dental Clinic we are dedicated to providing you the best care by combining experience with the latest technology in Implant dentistry. Dr. Alavian is a gold member at the Bites Implant Institute. If you like to learn more about dental implants, call us today to set up your appointment.
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