Dental Crowns
Crowns are a great option to restore teeth that are discolored, heavily broken down, or cracked. They are also highly recommended for teeth that have had root canal treatment or are heavily restored. While, there are many different types of crowns, metal-free, tooth colored crowns are becoming a more popular option due to their strength, and excellent aesthetics. The color and shape of the crown can be matched to your natural dentition to provide a beautiful, long-lasting restoration.
To place a crown two dental appointments are needed. The first appointment involves a precise preparation of the tooth after which a mold is taken. The second appointment is one week later and a much shorter appointment which involves cementation of the crown.
At Key Dental Clinic, we offer crowns for cosmetic and restorative purposes that look and feel like natural teeth. To learn more about crowns and their benefits don’t hesitate to call us today to set up your appointment.
We are located in English bay in the Vancouver West End. If you like to learn more about dental crowns, call us today to set up your appointment.
Caring for your dental crown
Dental Bridge
A dental bridge is a quick and pain-free option to replace missing teeth. Missing teeth can have a serious effect not only on your smile, but also on your oral health. Missing teeth can impact the alignment and integrity of your surrounding teeth resulting in unwanted periodontal disease and decay. Dental bridges can fill in the gaps where teeth are missing while helping to preserve the structure of your remaining teeth and restore your bite. Our dental bridges are designed to look and feel like natural teeth are to help you eat more comfortably and smile more confidently.
A dental bridge involved placement of two crowns on the teeth on either side joined by another tooth called a pontic to fill the gap. Placing a dental bridge is very similar to a dental crown where two dental appointments are needed. The first appointment involves a precise preparation of the supporting teeth after which a mold is taken. The second appointment is one week later and a much shorter appointment which involves cementation of the bridge. Oral hygiene instruction will be provided to ensure that you can maintain your bridge clean and healthy.
To find out more about dental bridges or to schedule an appointment, call Key Dental Clinic today.
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